The Method : Step 1 - Observe
Lesson 4.1 : Lists
Again, in this step of making observations, you ask yourself:
What to look for

Can you think of a few? Some lists in the Bible I can think of:
After you have listed some, here are just a few: + -
List examples in the Bible
- Things detestable to God - commonly known as the '7 deadly sins' (Prov. 6:16-19)
- Jesus' genealogy (Matt. 1:1-17; Luke 3:23-38)
- Jesus' disciples (Matt. 10:2-4; Mark 3:16-19)
- What the Scriptures are useful for (2 Tim. 3:16)
As I have said earlier, asking questions is one way to help us see more. What questions can you ask when you see a list? Here are a few:
- How is it ordered or arranged? Chronologically? Alphabetically? The most important first?
- How is each item different from the others?
- How are they the same or similar?
- Is there a progression?
- Is any of the items in the list a summary of the rest? (Sometimes a category is stated and then a list of examples follows.)
- Is there another list in the Bible similar to the one in question? If so, is there any difference? If there is, why?
Some lists may not be limited to just one passage. They can span over a few chapters, or even the whole book in the Bible, or even beyond. So be on the lookout for such lists that are not that obvious.
For practice, go back to the passage of 2 Corinthians 6 and note the lists there. Think though the questions listed above and any other questions that come to mind.
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