Easter : Good Friday
Bible reading
At the last supper, Jesus told His disciples to partake of the bread and wine in remembrance of Him. Do we remember what all went on during the "passion week"? The last supper? One way to help us remember our Lord Jesus is to read through the gospel accounts of His suffering.
The following is a list of the Bible passages arranged as best as we know chronologically with some help from the harmony of the gospels.
Suggestion for Small Groups
- Do it in the evening and incorporate it into a meal.
- Read part of it during different times similar to the timing of the Good Friday events.
- Before dinner starts: passages #1, 2
- Some time during dinner (perhaps after the main courses and before dessert): passages #3, 4
- Optional communion: it would be meaningful to take communion as a group at this point. However, you may want to check with your church on who can administer it.
- Continue after optional communion: passages #5-11
- At this point, it would be good to go to a place nearby like a park where you can continue with the reading sitting in a circle. (As a leader, you'll need to plan this by scoping out a suitable place ahead of time.)
- Read the rest of the passages at the park: passages #12-32
- It would be good to end with a word of prayer by everyone that wants to pray. The leader can suggest by saying "let's thank our Lord for His willingness to suffer and die for our sins."
Reading Sequence (read from The Message version)
- Mk 14:1-3
- Mk 14:10-17
- Jn 13:1-20
- Lk 22:14-20
- Lk 22:21-23
- Jn 13:21-30
- Lk 22:24-30
- Mk 14:27-28
- Lk 22:31-38
- Jn 14:31b "Get up. Let's go. It's time to leave here."
- Lk 22:39
- Mk 14:32-47
- Lk 22:51-54
- Mk 14:55-72
- Mt 27:1-10
- Lk 23:1-25
- Jn 19:1-17
- Lk 23:26-33
- Mk 15:23
- Jn 19:23-24
- Lk 23:34
- Jn 19:25-27
- Lk 23:35-45a "... A total blackout."
- Mk 15:34b "At three o'clock..."
- Jn 19:28-30
- Mt 27:51-56
- Jn 19:39-40
- Lk 23:48
- Jn 19:31-38a "...to take the body of Jesus."
- Mk 15:44-45
- Mt 27:59-66
- Lk 23:56
"Surely he took up our pain
and bore our suffering,
yet we considered him punished by God,
stricken by him, and afflicted.
But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds we are healed.
We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
each of us has turned to our own way;
and the Lord has laid on him
the iniquity of us all."

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